The good news: we already have the solutions to achieve the 1.5°C Paris Agreement Goal.
The bad news: policy and practice is failing to adequately utilize the solutions at hand.
In the first week of April 2022, the IPCC’s published the sixth assessment report on how to mitigate climate change[1]. The feeling of frustration is clear, we have the finances and the solutions at hand to keep the planet from heating to dangerous levels. However, the lack of political will is putting us all on course for a precarious future, with less biodiversity, more extreme weather events and a reduced capacity for all life to thrive.
As shown in the graph above, current policies (in red) intended to mitigate climate change is far from what is required (in blue) to facilitate a safe climate. But despite this irritating lack of policy ambition from governments, there is still much that can be done by companies, organisations, events and individuals. The collective effort of everyone is required to achieve the Paris 1.5°C Goal.
The report highlights how a variety of solutions can contribute toward decarbonisation by 2030 [2]. The solutions that have the greatest mitigation potential are:
1. Invest in solar and wind energy
2. Reduce the deforestation and degradation of ecosystems
3. Increase carbon sequestration capacity in agricultural systems
4. Restore forests and other natural carbon sinks
5. Switch to non-fossil energy sources
Although decarbonising the global economy is beyond the scope of influence for any individual, company or organisation, working with the five points above is simple and achievable. Changing your energy provider only takes a phone call and fitting solar panels on buildings gives economic benefits for years to come. Investing in high-quality carbon credits that restore forests to their former glory or financing agroforestry projects that give food security while simultaneously sequestering CO2 helps you contribute to climate action. This type of action is low hanging fruit, so there is no reason not to pick it and make the changes today.
CLIPOP companies are already working with these five points. GodEl supplies only renewable energy to over 132,000 customers. MAX Burgers continues to purchase only wind and solar energy for all their restaurants throughout Scandinavia. ZeroMission facilitates the sale of high-quality carbon credits, channelling funds to projects that protect valuable ecosystems and improve agricultural practice where it’s needed most. Whether buying or selling the solutions, everyone has a part to play in mitigating climate change.
The report states the need for rapid decarbonisation to be combined with a growth in carbon dioxide removals to keep warming below 1. 5°C. This is in complete alignment with the CLIPOP criteria, it is too late to decarbonise or offset, we all need to do as much as we can now. So, join the Climate Positive movement and let’s do all we can together, today.
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